I'm on vacation for the next month or so, so I thought I'd send myself off with a fun little playlist of the 5 top songs I have been listening to non stop in the lead up to this adventure. (Now, don't judge me... these songs are so catchy and dance-y, you can't help but absolutely get into a nice groove and dance yourself on holiday)
So, in no particular order, here's 5 of my favourite songs for my summer European get-away.
Shut Up And Dance by Walk The Moon
This one is really catchy, reminds me of a modern take on 80s pop. I love this one, it's probably one you're going to hear on radios everywhere right about now. I think its such a cute little song, and the music video is pretty cute too. The dance moves are rocking and the hairstyles need work, but I mean, that's pretty much my life story so I guess that resonates with me the most.
Papaoutai by Stromae
Oh man, this is a powerful one. I don't speak French in the slightest but the music video speaks for itself. There's no denying that Stromae is a musical genius, take a look at Tous Les Mêmes. His music videos are always super on point too. The musicality is genius, but also the pain behind the song speaks across the boundaries of language. I feel as though my words cannot even do this song justice. Just know that I have it playing on repeat. Although I do like Tous Les Mêmes, Papaoutai is my favourite one of his songs.
Magic by San Cisco
A bit lighter, something that I find quite enjoyable and fun. Mainly because I have a thing for cheesy horror props and cute love stories. The song itself has a catchiness about it that I can't deny, however, the music video sold it for me. This one was won out purely because of Nosferatu driving the Lamborghini and moon walking. What can I say, I'm a sucker for the kind of kitsch that San Cisco is putting out these days.
Pray To God by Calvin Harris, featuring HAIM
Okay, this one was won out despite the kick ass music video. I am officially a HAIM fangirl. Paired in with my love of electropop, come on, how was I going to leave this song out? Okay, so it's a bit old now, but as per usual, I have just discovered it. Non-stop music for working out. I feel like I can kick serious butt when listening to this song, it's really empowering. Lets be honest though, most HAIM songs make me feel that way, I don't know why the addition of Calvin Harris made this one any different.
Ship to Wreck by Florence + The Machine
Okay, I'm a bit torn about this one. The same level of feeling that Ceremonials had somehow cannot be matched by Florence's current album. Ceremonials had something in it... a deep melodic soulfulness that reminded me of prayer. However, this song comes close to capturing the essence I felt before. I will probably never be able to fall in love with this song the way I fell in love with the whole of Ceremonials, but damn, I think I'm close. This song is one for the repeat, until I know how I properly feel about it.
Well, I guess that's about it. This and a whole lot of Fleetwood Mac, but I'm sure those of you who know me well enough know that I could probably dedicate a whole blog to The Mac. They are love, they are life. Now to work out whether or not I want to spend the upwards of $200 to go see them in concert. Decisions... decisions....
In the mean time, I'll be on vacation!
I hope you all stay safe and have a great next few weeks of break.
I'll see you when I get back :)
If you would like to keep up with my travels, my travel blog can be found here. I hope to be updating it daily, and when I can't, there is always my Instagram and my Twitter that you can keep up with.
Lots of love,
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