Thursday, July 4, 2019

Update on my life

Hi everyone,

So just a catch up for those who have been following along my life (whether that be a social media stalker or good friends that I have seemingly dropped off the planet for), over the last year and a bit I have been a bit busy. First of all finishing my Honours degree (which I got first class for baby! yeah!) but also beginning my PhD and all the trials and tribulations that come along with that.

If you do know a bit about what that is like, you will know that academia involves a lot of writing. So much writing. So I have been a bit busy, as you can imagine, doing this and that and having a few mental health crisis' etc. This blog has been a bit vacant, but hopefully as I get more time here and there I can update more regularly.

The writing fatigue takes it out of you though, it's hard to keep both creative and academic writing energy levels up and so I do generally tend to drop the ball on things here and there. So as a bit of a welcome back I thought I would leave you a cute little song that has been stuck in my head for the past few months. Firstly cos it's catchy, but also because the music video was shot in Fremantle  - a place where I spent much of my childhood and adolescence. So it has a definite warm place in my heart.

Sugar - Peking Duk ft. Jack River

So this song has a real gorgeous 90s feel to it, and that same fun jovial style that we expect of Peking Duk. Bring in some AQUA-esque 90s pop sounds and you have one hell of a summer hit. It's winter right now in Perth, so maybe it doesn't have quite the same charm to it for my good friends back home. But right now, I am soaking up the sun (and some of the rain) in Copenhagen, so here is a fun summer hit for the northern hemisphere to enjoy.

Enjoy the song!

Lots of love,


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