Thursday, February 18, 2016

Hide and Boo Seeka

How have you all been?

A bit of a small lapse in my available free time has delayed my writing, but alas, I'm still here. I hope the Perth heat has been keeping you well. For me, I've been relishing it. Coming back from a freezing cold holiday (New Zealand, like seriously, wtf?!) this heat has been a welcome change. I threw my jeans and jumpers off the moment my feet hit Western Australian soil, much to the dismay of many distressed airport patrons. So, how have I been keeping cool? Why do I enjoy this heat so much? Well basically, it's because I get to blast the air-conditioning in my car and listen to some tunes in the baking sunshine. And what have I been listening to (I hear you not really asking me, but I'm going to tell you anyway)?

A little bit of Boo Seeka of course.

Boo Seeka, my summer kings

For me, this last month of summer has been all about lazy beach driving music for listening to when I'm commuting to work, and Boo Seeka has definitely hit the spot. So far my February '16 playlists has Boo Seeka songs right at the top, there is something about that so distinctive and mellow about Boo Seeka's music that fits right into the way that this summer has felt for me. This Sydney electronic duo have really made a mark on the music scene in the last year. Two major singles, tours, and an album coming out in 2016 marks a huge year for this duo - with many great things to come in the future, I'm sure.
So let me give you a bit of an insight into why I'm loving these two Sydney-siders so much.

Deception Bay

This one has been a  big one that has felt the most like summer to me. All I think about is lying down and fully being able to listen to this song whenever it comes on. You want to drink it in, absorb it into you and embrace it. It's a song that I find very reminiscent of that relaxed hum of contentment at a day well spent. My arms crawl with that tingle of nostalgia and good memories whenever I hear this song. It's that echo of simple notes and synths that encapsulate summertime twilight, the quietness, the heat, and a reminder that tomorrow is going to be just fine. Just pure relaxation. 

Kingdom Leader

I think what I love about this song most of all is this faint harmonica that comes in through the verses. I have a very personal relationship with the harmonica, it's one of those instruments that you either love or hate to listen to, but there's something nostalgic about hearing it. You never really hear it that much especially in electronic music. I love this tune because it's such a different sound to what's been replaying on the radio again and again. I'm loving the uniqueness of Boo Seeka's sound and you can definitely hear that unique this muted sound within all of their songs. The vocals are soft and mellow, it's calm, its soft and sweet. 


Couldn't quite find a video track for this one (hahah, goes to show how truly underground my music is - you're speaking to a real music hipster here) but I think it's important to include this one because it does show their diversity. This one is a lot more upbeat, but definitely very Boo Seeka. This one has a real nice drum beat, a chilled relaxed vocal, and some catchy synth. Still very much a summer track, still very much something that sounds unique, a bit more pop, and has a lovely little flute bit that makes me giggle every single time I hear it.

Boo Seeka has some awesome music to share, and if you visit their Triple J Unearthed page, all their music is available for you to listen to and download for free. You can also find Boo Seeka on Facebook and Instagram. I honestly love supporting bands new Australian bands, especially if they're as good as Boo Seeka. So definitely, have a listen and tell me if you love them as much as I do.


Monday, February 1, 2016

A Cool Summer with Miike Snow

Guess who's back from holiday???

That's right, your favourite blogger and part time eccentric is back to bother you all with her weird music and penchant for hyperbole.

It's been a weird month or so, usually I spend a lot of time listening to new music and playing this game called "What's going to be played non stop on the radio in the next few weeks?" However, being in another country without access to radio or to internet it really threw me, I had to listen to the same songs I had been listening to in December for a whole other month. No music reshuffling, nothing new to stimulate my brain. I could feel my ears atrophying, seriously, nothing more boring than the same 85 song playlist going on over and over for 4 weeks. So, I stopped listening to music for a while, and when I came back to glorious Oz, I let all the tunes free flow over me. Even the music in clothing stores gave me little ear jitters (arguably not an actual thing, but just go with me on this phenomenon). Coupled with the Hottest 100, phew man, it's good to be back and its good to be singing in the car again. 

So this week I wanted to share with you something new that's had my ears aflutter (okay, the imagery here is getting a bit sketchy at best.... but I digress). I'm feeling real chills with Miike Snow's latest track, Genghis Khan, and if you haven't heard it yet, check it out below.

Okay, what can I say, my love affair with the Swedish indie-pop band, Miike Snow... 

Miike Snow, Swedish Baes

Well, it started in 2010 with a little track called Animal. So, for about 6 years I've had this band on my mind. They took a break for a while and only resurfaced late last year with some banging new tunes. In time, you kind of can see the way bands change and how their sound and their rhythm changes. Especially after a long hiatus. Sometimes it can be a bit of a miss, but for Miike Snow it has really been a hit. Their new sound is definitely fly, a lot more stronger, a lot bolder, and a lot more sexier. Their third studio album (iii) is going to be released on March 4 and if there's any indication from their currently released tracks as to how good this album is going to be, we're in for a treat. Not to mention the quality of the music videos. It's been fantastic watching these cinematic masterpieces, I think it makes a track when we have a narrative to go with the music, Although I listen first and make up a music video in my head, when the actual video surpasses anything my weird little brain could have created it gets me all excited and pumped to be playing and watching a song over and over again.

So, keep your ears and your eyes peeled guys. This year is going to be a great year with some amazing music and plenty of ear jittering ahead.